HypnoBirthing® - IN PERSON (JUL/AUG 2024)


The official HypnoBirthing® course (The Mongan Method), taught by Jen Walts, will be offered online AND in person depending on your preference.

LOCATION: at Yoga Sanctuary in Northampton, MA (Thornes Marketplace)

Class 1: Sunday, July 21st (3-6pm)
Class 2: Saturday, July 27th (6-9pm)
Class 3: Sunday, July 28th (3-6pm)
Class 4: Saturday, Aug 3rd (6-9pm)
Class 5:Sunday, Aug 4th (3-6pm)

This 5 class course offers birthers and birth companions the opportunity to step into their birthing experience without fear or stress. Whether you’re hoping to birth in a hospital, birth center, or home, you will be prepared to birth your baby safely and with a strong sense of confidence.

The calm, beautiful space, and natural skylit studio at Yoga Sanctuary offers all the yoga props we could possibly need to invite deep relaxation as you prepare your mind to trust your body. It will feel like a weekly retreat!

Special package of materials included.

To read more about the program and your instructor, click here.

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